Newrelic Kubernetes Monitoring
In this HashiQube DevOps lab you will get hands on experience with Newrelic Monitoring using Helm on Minikube
https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/kubernetes-pixie/kubernetes-integration/installation/kubernetes-integration-install-configure https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/
vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docker,docsify,minikube
docker compose exec hashiqube /bin/bash
bash hashiqube/basetools.sh
bash docker/docker.sh
bash docsify/docsify.sh
bash minikube/minikube.sh
You should now be able to open Minikube dashboard: http://localhost:10888
For more extensive details on how to run Minikube on Hashiqube please visit: Minikube
Now we deploy the Newrelic integration ontop of Kubernetes (Minikube) using Helm
But first, head over to http://www.newrelic.com and open a Free Demo account, we will need this for our demo.
Once you have your Newrelic account open and logged in, we can proceed.
Now you can select your account and Kubernetes namespace for the integration
Now we can select the the Newrelic features for the integration
Please visit https://one.newrelic.com/launcher/k8s-cluster-explorer-nerdlet.cluster-explorer-launcher and follow the steps
At the end will be a Helm command like this that we run in the container.
- vagrant ssh
- now run this command:
helm repo add newrelic https://helm-charts.newrelic.com && helm repo update && \ kubectl create namespace newrelic;
helm upgrade --install newrelic-bundle newrelicnri-bundle
--set global.licenseKey=YOUR_NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY
--set global.cluster=minikube
--set newrelic-infrastructure.privileged=true
--set global.lowDataMode=true
--set ksm.enabled=true
--set kubeEvents.enabled=true
--set prometheus.enabled=true
--set logging.enabled=true
--set newrelic-pixie.enabled=true
--set newrelic-pixie.apiKey=YOUR_PIXIE_API_KEY
--set pixie-chart.enabled=true
--set pixie-chart.deployKey=YOUR_PIXIE_DEPLOY_KEY
--set pixie-chart.clusterName=minikube
## Info
*vagrant@hashiqube0:~$* `kubectl get po,svc -n newrelic`
pod/newrelic-bundle-kube-state-metrics-654df84864-9hvk8 1/1 Running 0 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-newrelic-logging-xfs98 1/1 Running 0 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-newrelic-pixie-jxfcv 0/1 CreateContainerConfigError 0 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-nri-kube-events-6c65bbbc8f-mjrvt 2/2 Running 0 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-nri-metadata-injection-675dd8f8f7-m5vcg 1/1 Running 0 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-nri-prometheus-64b9696b7b-xl9kk 1/1 Running 0 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-nrk8s-controlplane-lsx5t 2/2 Running 1 (17m ago) 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-nrk8s-ksm-5d598df8d-v8rdv 2/2 Running 0 19m
pod/newrelic-bundle-nrk8s-kubelet-9xb68 2/2 Running 0 19m
service/newrelic-bundle-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 19m
service/newrelic-bundle-nri-metadata-injection ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 19m
Within a few minutes you will be able to see the Kubernetes Integrqation
And we will be able to see the Data streaming through
I was unable to get Pixie running, due to bash: line 225: /home/vagrant/bin/px: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
I am currently on a Mac M1 Chipset and this needs deeper debugging to figure out how to run Pixie on ARM64 Chipsets.
vagrant@hashiqube0:~$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://work.withpixie.ai/install.sh)"
___ _ _
| _ \(_)__ __(_) ___
| _/| |\ \ /| |/ -_)
|_| |_|/_\_\|_|\___|
==> Info:
Pixie gives engineers access to no-instrumentation, streaming &
unsampled auto-telemetry to debug performance issues in real-time,
More information at: https://www.pixielabs.ai.
This command will install the Pixie CLI (px) in a location selected
by you, and performs authentication with Pixie's cloud hosted control
plane. After installation of the CLI you can easily manage Pixie
installations on your K8s clusters and execute scripts to collect
telemetry from your clusters using Pixie.
==> Terms and Conditions https://www.pixielabs.ai/terms
I have read and accepted the Terms & Conditions [y/n]: y
==> Installing PX CLI:
Install Path [/home/vagrant/bin]:
==> Authenticating with Pixie Cloud:
bash: line 225: /home/vagrant/bin/px: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
FAILED to authenticate with Pixie cloud.
You can try this step yourself by running px auth login.
For help, please contact [email protected] or join our community slack/github"
==> Next steps:
- PX CLI has been installed to: /home/vagrant/bin. Make sure this directory is in your PATH.
- Run px deploy to deploy Pixie on K8s.
- Run px help to get started, or visit our UI: https://work.withpixie.ai
- Further documentation: